A new collection of poems from 2017 to 2020 entitled Complete & Utter Cult! has just been published in December 2020 by Burning Eye Books who also published Viva Loch Lomond!, a collection of Elvis’s poems from 2003 to 2017. Both books are annotated throughout with the innermost thoughts from the canyons of Elvis’s mind as he banged away on his typewriter at The Graceland Caravan Park and for those who don’t like words there are some wonderful illustrations by Tony Kerins - Copies are available for £10 each plus p&p directly from Elvis or from the publishers, all good bookshops and at gigs as well as from tax-avoiding online corporate behemoth retailers.

Complete and utter cult  by Elvis Mcgonagall



Viva Loch Lomond! by Elvis Mcgonagall


A short collection of poetry entitled Mostly Dreich was published by Nasty Little Press in 2012 - now sold out.

Mostly Dreich by Elvis Mcgonagall


Elvis McGonagall & The Resurrectors’ debut album Gie’ It Laldy was released in 2018 on Bar-Ox Records. CDs are available for £10 plus p&p directly from Elvis or at gigs. The album can also be listened to and downloaded on Bandcamp: click here

Gie It Laldy


The band’s 4-track EP “Burstin’ Oot in Fairy Lights” was released on the same label in 2021. It's available for £5 plus p&p directly from Elvis or at gigs. The EP can also be listened to and downloaded on the Bar-Ox Records website.

Elvis McGonagall

A live recording in 2010 of Elvis’ show One Man And His Doggerel is available on CD from Laughing Stock Records
and was broadcast in 2011 in the Saturday Stand-Up slot on BBC Radio 4 Extra

One Man and his doggerel


Elvis also features on the 2010 album All Along The Wall, a live recording of the show telling the story of Hadrian’s Wall, written and performed by a group of songwriters, folk musicians and poets. Copies are available online from various outlets.

All Along The Wall


Elvis McGonagall knitted dolls are handmade from 100% Shetland wool by his Auntie Morag in her Pitlochry nursing home. Usually available within five years of ordering. Contact Elvis if you’d like one - urgently - we don’t know how many more she has in her - or visit the Promised Land Inconvenience Store at the Graceland Caravan Park and have a rummage in the bargain bin.

knitted elvis

elvis mcgonagall

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